Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How To Draw a Cat

How to draw a cute cat:

First you need to draw one circle for the head:
Then, you draw two triangles on the head for ears:

Now get ready for the body.
                                          Draw a small oval like this:

Or like this:
Now Draw this:


Add feet to your liking and color!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to draw a tree

How do you draw a tree?
We will start with the basics on that one!
First, I just want to say that I love art and drawing. People always come up to me and say How did you draw that? Well, for the basics, here is how to draw a tree.

How to draw a tree:

1st You draw two curves like this:
Then you add a curved puffy cloud-like ball. This part will go on the top.
Now you have a basic tree!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to Draw a Boy Cartoon

In this tutorial (by Dandygreeny pictures by will learn how to draw a boy with a cute smile and blonde hair. When your done with this
you can color it to your liking.
Step 1. Draw a oval or circle connected by two lines and a shirt like this:
Step 2. Draw slightly curved arms and pants;
Step 3. Draw hair. You can choose hair styles to your liking, but I choose spiky.

Step 4. Next, Draw round eyes close to each other with dots in the middle, Add a mouth, nose,
and hands, and shoes.

Step 5. Color to your liking and add a line in the middle of his pants and shoes so he doesn't look
like he's wearing a skirt.

(I will update this so you can see MY drawing!)

How To Draw a Boy & Girl Cartoon

This is a step by step tutorial to draw a cartoon girl and boy.
GIRL- Information from
Learning how to draw a girl like the one you see above - and as I'm sure you've experienced - people in general... can be a tricky task. With cartoons though, the process does become easier as we're dealing with a more simplified version of a realistic-looking person.

The girl in this lesson actually looks more like a teenager. While working through, have some fun changing her look around so that the drawing is unique to you. You can change her hair style, her glasses, jewelry, the color of her clothes... etc.
OK... let's get on with the lesson. Here's how to draw a girl...

First Step - How to Draw a Girl Framework

Before we begin drawing, it can be helpful if we first establish a better understanding of the structure of our person, with relation to her pose. Sometimes, it can sound a bit silly starting out with a 'stick person'. But really -- a stick person is a simplification of our real structures -- our bones! So - in this way, it's almost like sketching out a basic skeleton, minus all the details (every single little bone!).
Keep your penciled lines nice and light as you come up with something similar to this...

The green lines you see above are simple guidelines for the particular hair style I'm going for in this lesson. Again, this is just an idea -- something you might find to be of help when drawing your girl. The green lines on her face help to map out her glasses, as I want them to be big and stylish.
Got a framework to work with? Good stuff! Let's keep going...

Second Step - How to Draw the Face/Hair

OK - let's begin our drawings. Starting with the glasses (or eyes if you don't want her to have glasses), go ahead and draw them in - in whatever style you choose. After that, slowly sketch in the rest of her facial features. Keep it simple, and then - move on to her hair.
Here's how to draw a girl's head/face and hair...

Again, you might want to change her hair style. And if so, you'll need to account for the various parts of her head that either can or can't be seen - depending on where her hair covers her face. In my case, I've got her hair falling over her shoulders. Only part of her neck area needs to be drawn.
Alright, let's keep moving. Next, let's tackle how to draw the girl's body - starting with her torso and arms...

Third Step - How to Draw a Girl -- Her Body

With her head positioned and in place, now let's draw the rest of her body - torso, arms and all. What's neat about this lesson - and what separates it from others... is that instead of drawing her standing straight and tall - we've got to take her hips into account, as they are shifting to the side.
As you move through the steps, take note of the difference in lines - opposite her center. Depending on which way her body is shifting - the lines will either curve one way or the other to account for her changed position...
Draw the pants and your done!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Online Sketch

Online Sketch is here! Do not fear!
Drawing is easy some things to keep you drawing is to